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LCCC draft orders

What you need to know.

Please note the following requirements regarding LCCC Draft Orders.

1. The correct title of the Court is:

“In the High Court of Justice

Business and Property Courts of England and Wales

London Circuit Commercial Court (QBD)”

With effect from 7 September 2020, any draft order that is not correctly entitled is likely to be rejected with a request for it to be re-lodged in correct form.

2. With effect from 7 September 2020, any non-consent order lodged with a paper application (other than one where it has been agreed between the parties that it can be determined on paper),  not including a paragraph to the following effect, is likely to be to be rejected with a request for it to be re-lodged with the correct paragraph inserted.

The paragraph should be in the following form:

“This Order having been made without hearing the parties or giving them an opportunity to make representations, any party affected may apply to vary or set aside this order providing any such application is issued by no later than 4pm 7 days after service of this order on the party making the application.”

Applications dealt with on paper by consent do not require such a paragraph to be inserted – see CPR r. 23.8.

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