We are committed to high-quality legal advice and client care. If you are unhappy about any aspect of the service or about the bill, please contact your file handler first, so that he or she can endeavour to resolve the problem. If you still have queries or concerns, please contact Rauf Khalilov, the Director of our firm, to whom any final issues can be reported. Mr Khalilov can be contacted via email: or by letter at Suite 116, Berkeley Square House, London W1J 6BD.
In the unlikely event that you wish to make a formal complaint, please send it to Mr Khalilov. The subject of the e-mail or letter should contain your name, file reference and the words “Formal Complaint”. In your complaint, please detail the nature of the complaint, what you wish for us to do and kindly attach any supporting evidence. Mr Khalilov will acknowledge the complaint within 7 days and will, having carried out investigations, seek to provide a determination, in the form of a final written response, within 8 weeks.
If we are unable to resolve any such concerns to your satisfaction within eight weeks you are entitled to make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman: or PO Box 6806 Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ.
The Legal Ombudsman investigates complaints about legal services. Normally complaints need to be made to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of receiving our final written response to your complaint.
From 1 April 2023, the time limits for referring a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman will be not later than:
- one year from the date of the act or omission being complained about; or
- one year from the date when the complainant should have realised that there was cause for complaint.
The Legal Ombudsman will retain the ability to apply Rule 4.7, which allows an Ombudsman to exercise discretion to extend the 1 year time limit for specific customers if, on the evidence, it was fair and reasonable to do so.
We are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and complaints and redress mechanisms are provided through them and the Legal Ombudsman.
You can report a firm or someone regulated by the SRA to the SRA for breach of the SRA Principles. Issues the SRA are likely to consider include non-payment of professional fees (such as agent or expert fees) if:
- you have a County Court judgment in respect of the fee, and
- the judgment relates to the practice in connection with providing a legal service.
There are some issues the SRA does not investigate. However, they always consider allegations of dishonesty or discrimination. Complaints about the conduct of your claim by a solicitor or firm will generally be dealt with by the Legal Ombudsman, not the SRA.
You can find further information on reporting a firm or solicitor to the SRA here:
All law firms are obliged to attempt to resolve problems that clients may have with the service provided. It is therefore important that you immediately raise your concerns with us.
Complaints about a client’s rights under the General Data Protection Regulation must be submitted to the Information Commissioner’s Office:
Any disputes or legal issues arising from our Client Care and Terms of Business will be determined by the laws of England and Wales and considered exclusively by the English and Welsh courts.